AC Maintenance In Remraam

Are You Looking The Best 24/7 AC Maintenance In Remraam Dubai Service

Then, you are right place our company ” AC MAINTENANCE DUBAI ” provides you the our best maintenance services of Air Conditioner in Remraam Dubai.

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AC Maintenance In Remraam Dubai | 0568770106

Summer is just around the corner and with it we have doubts about the maintenance of air conditioning and air conditioning equipment and, one of the most common, is knowing when it is mandatory to perform maintenance on facilities and equipment. And who should carry out these tasks: is it mandatory to resort to an installer authorized to review the air conditioning ? Can any installer handle an air conditioning unit?… In this post we want to talk to you about how the maintenance of the air conditioning is done how to remind you what air conditioning regulations. They are the ones that establish the requirements that must be fulfilled so that the air conditioning equipment is in an optimal state.

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How to perform air conditioning maintenance in remraam Dubai?

Before the arrival of the heat, there is a long season in which the air conditioning is not used, so dirt and bacteria accumulate from one year to the next. It is important to prepare it and get it ready for when the heat arrives to:

  • Have clean air, free of dust or bacteria.
  • Greater energy efficiency .
  • Reduce breakdowns.
  • Avoid bad odours.

It’s recommended to clean AC in remraam Dubai before and after long-term use. That is, at the beginning and at the end of summer. However, if the air conditioner has a heat pump, it is recommended to clean it also at the beginning and at the end of winter.

Air conditioning maintenance can be carried out by a professional, although it is a simple procedure that takes about half an hour, so it can be done by the home users themselves.

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Clean air conditioning filters in remraam Dubai

The filter is responsible for cleaning the ambient air of bacteria, mites or particles that are harmful, ensuring that the quality of the air is healthy.

To clean it, you just have to open the lid of the inner split, remove the filter holder and gently vacuum. If it is too dirty, before cleaning air conditioning filters can be immersed in cold water, and if necessary brushed with antibacterial soap. Never with hot water as they could be damaged. Finally, to dry them it is recommended to place them in an area where there is no direct sunlight or any source of heat.

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Split Drain Cleaning In Remraam Dubai

The air conditioning pipe that is used to expel hot air to the outside when it is in cooling mode or to evacuate the water to the outside in heating mode, should be cleaned if it becomes clogged and starts to leak, since it is a sign that it is not evacuating properly. These tubes are located behind the filters and by cleaning them you will eliminate all the accumulated bacteria.

To clean them thoroughly you can use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth. A product that is often used for this type of cleaning is hydrogen peroxide, which would be sprayed on the tubes and rinsed with the damp cloth. Once these steps have been carried out, you just have to leave it open for a while to dry and place it all back once all the parts are dry.

This is one of the basic tasks for the maintenance of air conditioning equipment. These cleanings must be periodic, so that our equipment works correctly.

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General cleaning of the indoor unit in remraam Dubai

Once the drain pipes are clean, it is also important to clean the air conditioning grilles, those that are visible with the lid closed. This area tends to accumulate a lot of dust and dirt, so it is important to clean it before turning it on, to avoid spreading dirt through the air.

The best way to clean them is with a soft cloth applying soap and water, being careful not to wet the inside of the device, and to dry it, wipe it with a clean cloth.

Outdoor unit maintenance in remraam Dubai

Ideally, this step should be done by a professional, as it can be dangerous if you’ve never done it before.

The first of all will be to turn off the device and unplug it from the light to guarantee the greatest safety.

The first step to start will be to clean the fins with the help of a vacuum cleaner and a soft brush to avoid scratches and not damage them during cleaning. It is usually necessary to remove the metal box that has protection in order to access them.

One of the most important parts that we have to clean is the fan. To do this, a screwdriver is needed to remove the grille that is in the upper part, being careful not to damage any type of electrical connection. To clean it, use a damp cloth and, in the event that the fan has lubrication ports, we have to apply five drops of specific oil for it.

After cleaning, you must wait at least 24 hours to start the appliance. Once this time has elapsed, it is necessary to check that all the equipment works correctly and the tubes have the right temperature, one cold and the other hot.

Refrigerant leak control in remraam Dubai

Finally, it is important to check the refrigerant gas charge of the air conditioning to make sure there are no leaks. If the appliance needs many gas charges during a single summer, it is a sign that leaks are occurring. If so, it is best to contact a professional to fix it.

Why is ducted air conditioning maintenance in remraam Dubai important?

Maintenance of the ducted air conditioning in remraam Dubai is one of the main factors that we must take into account and that we must do periodically every time we put the air conditioning system into operation. With proper maintenance, the useful life of the equipment is extended and at the same time energy is saved.

Keep in mind that to carry out maintenance on an air conditioner it is better to do it outside of its season of use, which is generally in summer. Therefore, it should be done the rest of the year, since the best treatment, in most cases, is simply prevention.

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Why is it important to clean ducted air conditioning filters in remraam Dubai?

Ducted air conditioning filters in remraam Dubai are the ones in charge of capturing dust or dirt from the air. During the time of year that the air conditioner is not used, and if it is not cleaned until its next use, its filters could become clogged and lead to:

  • Bad smell and poor air quality.
  • Poor heating or air conditioning.
  • Possible breakage of the compressor, since it can overheat and this can affect the entire system.

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Is it mandatory to perform air conditioning maintenance remraam Dubai?

Air conditioning maintenance in remraam Dubai is essential for it to function and cool properly and efficiently. In addition, carrying out regular checks on an air conditioner also contributes to prolonging the average life of the device, minimizing the appearance of breakdowns and reducing the impact of its use on the environment.

Regarding the obligation to carry out the revision of an air conditioner, we must be guided by the regulations contained in the Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings ( RITE ), where the conditions that the air conditioning and heating systems must meet are determined, focused on to greater energy efficiency and rational use of energy.

Mandatory inspections, as their name suggests, are inspections that must be carried out in the manner indicated by each autonomous community, according to the characteristics of the air conditioner. Therefore, it is essential to follow the appropriate maintenance recommendations, in order to pass the corresponding inspections.

The preventive program of an installation will be carried out according to the instructions contained in the manual of our device (Use and Maintenance Manual) or following the indications contained in IT.3.3 (preventive maintenance program) and IT.3.4 (energy management program). ) of the RITE according to the power of the device.

There are several regulations that govern the requirements to be met in the maintenance of air conditioning installations, equipment and air conditioning systems. Below we comment on the most notable aspects of the two main regulations to take into account: the Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings (RITE) whose last modification was approved by RD 178/2021, of March 23 and, in relation to the regulation of refrigerant gases , the new Safety Regulation for Refrigeration Installations (RSIF) that came into force on January 2, 2020 through RD 552/2019, of September 27.

Call Us For AC Maintenance In Remraam Dubai Service | 0568770106