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AC Service And Cleaning In Deira Island Dubai | 0568770106
How to hit the air conditioner at home. Save the cleaning conditioner
When working on the internal elements of the air conditioner, a layer of dust will inevitably send. Over time, this not only leads to the deterioration of the device, but also increases the likelihood of its failure. Service and Clean up the trash without the involvement of experts and do the service and cleaning yourself. But for this you need to know the procedure and requirements for their transfer to the implementation technology.
The question arises – if there are a number of specialized companies, will it determine the conditioner to service and clean the air conditioner yourself? Collect the vacuum cleaner from the collected garbage in each photo, whether it is a sample with the received package or a built-in filter. The same situation and air conditioning – only differs from the time-consuming process of removing the outer cover. Otherwise, the technology is similar to cleaning a home vacuum cleaner, but with some features.
Imagine, a long time without preventive work . Accumulated dust can cause the following problems with the device:
- Deterioration of sanitary condition. Dust particles are constantly scattered throughout the room. Appearance Unpleasant odor is determined by the growth of harmful bacterial colonies.
- Determining the quality of air conditioning. The natural obstruction in the air filter worsens the volume of polluted air. The dust layer in the heat exchange reduces the efficiency of the whole system.
- Increasing the risk of ac system disruption. As a result of the increase in air resistance of the fan, the load on electrical equipment increases significantly.
The need for periodic service and cleaning of the air conditioner, you can begin to perform this procedure. But how often should it be done? Depending on the load of the system, experts recommend the following time intervals:
- Household air conditioner – 1 time in 6 months.
- Office – 1 time per quarter.
- In places with large shops (restaurants, cafes, government agencies), the climate system – once a month.
Consider the procedure for service and cleaning the indoor unit of air conditioners.
Air filter prevention
When service and cleaning the air conditioner, the vacuum cleaner or brushes should be removed with a long pile. Care must be taken not to damage the internal elements of the device. If there is heat exchange on the surface, rusty raids – Specialists should be called for repair.
All other work on the air conditioners can be done only by professionals – by checking that it is installed outdoors and checking the outdoor unit. This requires special equipment and skills in conducting such events.
The average family has become an integral part of the daily life of air conditioners, dealing with the summer heat by heating the house live and warming the room in the cold season. The trouble-free and uninterrupted operation of any model of air conditioner is competent and constant maintenance , as well as careful cleaning from possible contaminants.
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Air Conditioning: Causes and Consequences of Education
The daily operation of the air conditioner is associated with a large amount of unaffected air movement, which leads to contamination of the external and external blocks of the device and the appearance of unpleasant odors and noise during operation. In addition, air conditioning blocks Air conditioning blocks are cleaned regularly, which means that timely cleaning and maintenance work should be continuous and mandatory, independently and with the involvement of specialists.
Unlike other home appliances, this TV or microwave oven, all the changes in the operation of the air conditioner, gradually accumulate. However, reaching a critical level will adversely affect the quality of the cooling / heating air building.
Among the factors that directly affect the wear level of the air conditioner and the level of contamination, you can safely distinguish:
- level of air pollution;
- humidity;
- the height of the air conditioner above the ground.
It is known that in the upper floors of air conditioners (12–15 floors), “swallows” are much less likely to grow to adulthood, as its concentration is reduced to a minimum. The largest amount of dust is observed near cars, industrial plants and construction sites. It is impossible to remember the trays with cleaners – the worst enemy home air conditioners : The smallest particles accumulate in the outer block at the edge of the radiator and reduce the efficiency of heat exchange between the cooled air and freon in the system. Service and cleaning the air conditioning blocks in such a case can lead to a significant increase in the load of the educator in this case, which causes the device to start to wear out.
Finally, the latest evidence for the timely service and cleaning of home air conditioners can be dangerous mold and mildew. Thus, the special unit of the device contains dust and dirt particles along with moisture, which is washed from the radiator. This can prevent the drain from blocking, through which condensate must condense. The visible cases delay the drainage of the canopy water into the sewer – now it collects on the surface of the outer block and drains them through all possible holes of the working equipment. Favorable conditions for the growth of moist soil For the rapid growth of microorganisms and dangerous fungi. As a result of such rapid growth, the air is literally moistened with mold.

So, if you’ve noticed that after several years of continuous and uninterrupted operation of the air conditioner, you’ve noticed:
- a strong unpleasant odor after the start of his work;
- leakage from a closed unit during technical work;
- high noise and collapse with the addition of equipment to the network
Service and cleaning the air conditioner with your own hands or using the services of air conditioning cleaning professionals to clean the air conditioner at an affordable price should be done easily.
Methodology and frequency of service and cleaning conditioner
To clean the air, all air conditioners are equipped with a powerful filtration system, which leads to an increase in the performance of the device and its energy consumption, which negatively affects the service life of the air conditioner in the future.
Similar side effects can be prevented on a regular basis by taking preventive measures to clean the indoor and outdoor compartment of the air conditioner. This should be at least 2 times a year:
- before launch in spring;
- in the fall before switching to pre-season mode.
If you drive the air conditioner carefully, you will allow it to fully develop its resources and bypass additional repairs 7-12 years old.
Thus, the air conditioner combines the exterior and interior, where the exterior and interior need to be service and cleaned in a timely and thorough manner as soon as possible.
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Cleaning the inside of the home air conditioner
Often the inside of the partition system needs to be carefully serviced and cleaned. Visually, the internal block filter resembles a small grid located on the front panel of the device that enters the device stream. The filtration system provides reliable protection of the cock, the filtration system is also housing and separate elements Air conditioning, in particular, the radiator.
First, open the top cover of the appliance, remove the top air filters and soak them in warm soapy water so that dirt and oil do not leave the filter grille. There will be a cleaning of the sotary fan, which is a special roller that separates the cold air flow from the air conditioner to the room. During the work on the blades, oil falls and dust accumulates, so if you do not pay attention to cleaning the roller, then the blades will hit the target and almost will not rise into the air And this will lead to a decrease in efficiency.
How to clean knives? For effective service and cleaning Take the Soap solution by hand and start the conditioner after a few minutes, check it step by step as the contaminant will come out of the socket.
After a few minutes, turn off the air conditioner and clean the hay with a brush to finish the removal of the straw.
In the final stage, the ventilation holes in the top cover are cleaned. Due to these holes, the air flow passes to the inner block. The cleaning and maintenance of the inner block is complete.
Free maintenance for the mounting unit filter can result in:
- a decrease in the call of the radiator of the indoor unit of the device;
- a significant decrease in the quality of air cooling in the room;
- violation of the operating mode of the air conditioning cooling system. As a result, it begins to measure copper pipes, and when the air conditioner is turned off, the tired ice begins to fall to the floor;
- possible contamination of the drainage system. Dust accumulated in the filter will soon begin to accumulate in the pieces, resulting in a liquid flow from the device.
- it is difficult to complicate future manipulations. Sooner or later, cleaning the filter, but the accumulation of dirt and dust in the plastic significantly complicates the procedure, which significantly complicates the need to call a wizard.
Service and Cleaning the air conditioning air filter
Working under static influence, the air filters of the interior of the partition system must be cleaned at least once, because even small dust or obstructions can seriously interfere with the normal operation of the filters.
It should be noted that the warranty repair does not include maintenance of the air conditioning filter system, so you need to produce them yourself.
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Cleaning the heat exchanger on the inside of the air conditioner
Measures for heat exchange and cleaning are carried out at least once a year, for which the following actions are taken:
- open the front panel and gently remove;
- with a brush with a vacuum cleaner or an elongated pile, clean the edges of the heat exchanger. Work should be done carefully and comfortably, as it can damage the heat exchanger or stain the hand.
FRON normalized flow control
The normal operation of the air conditioner ranges from 6-8% to 6-8%, which is due to a special method of connecting the section pipes. FRONT NEFAGE It is necessary to take frono from time to time to avoid a critical drop, but this requires the skills and experience of specialized equipment professionals. It should be noted that the flow of Freon can affect the operating condition of the air conditioner.
Funnel leakage symptoms can include:
- corresponding connections (sections connecting copper pipes);
- changing the temperature difference in the production of the product and the introduction of an indoor unit of equipment can lead to deterioration of the air conditioner.
If desired, all of the above steps to clean the air conditioner are yours:
- has professional equipment and tools
- closed unit of air conditioning,
- external block prevention,
- check the condition of the drainage system and radiator,
- troubleshooting
- stay conditioned by freon.
In their work, masters use a special composition and chemical reagents to eliminate all types of contaminants.
Automatic cleaning mode
Modern models of household air conditioners today are equipped with additional features that ensure the continuous operation of this equipment and the implementation of automatic cleaning. The main principle of their operation is the Idel Action air flow heat exchanger drying system and internal elements Air conditioning.
Some models use ion air purification: a special device is associated with dust particles due to oxygen or nitrogen ions, which are associated with charging them. Such charged microfibers are easily captured by the dust collector. Other models use ionic water dust, airborne dust and an ionization system to eliminate unpleasant odors.
However, if the air conditioner is equipped with a built-in touch sensor, the equipment will independently control the air content and start the self-cleaning system at any time. Of course, such useful features make human life easier, as they provide high-quality purification of the transmitted air, but it should be understood that no piece of equipment can remove the filter from the inner block and wash it with water.
Call Us For Hiring The Best Technician For AC Service And Cleaning In Deira Island Dubai | 0568770106