Did You Looking An Expert & Emergency AC Maintenance Service in Remraam Dubai?
Then, you are right place our company ” ACMAINTENANCEDUBAI ” provides you the our best maintenance services of Air Conditioner.
Do not hesitate to call us, we are here only for you, Feel free to contact us via WhatsApp: 0568770106
Emergency AC Maintenance Service in Remraam Dubai

Installation of air conditioning systems
From +22 to 24 ° C – this is the ideal ambient temperature for an ordinary person. But nature is capricious, and central heating and open windows do not allow maintaining the desired room temperature. The solution is simple – install an air conditioning system that will keep you cool on hot days and heated in winter. But the installation of equipment should be performed only by specialists – this is the guarantee of its long and reliable operation.
What does our company do?
“ACDUBAIMAINTENANCE” is engaged in the selection, supply, installation of equipment for engineering ventilation and air conditioning systems. We specialize primarily in industrial climate control systems. Our employees are perfectly familiar with all the norms and requirements that must be observed when installing air conditioning systems in enterprises.
In cooperation with us, you can choose the right equipment for yourself or order a service in the complex. It includes an assessment of the premises where it is necessary to install the equipment, selection of ventilation and air conditioning systems, purchase, delivery and installation.
All services are provided under a contract, you can order not only one-time installation, but also service. In this case, we will regularly visit your facility to check the performance of the equipment, carry out maintenance work, and perform minor repairs. The visits are scheduled once or twice a year and are coordinated with you in advance.
Depending on your needs, you can involve our specialists in solving various problems.
- Air conditioning system design. It is carried out taking into account the characteristics of your premises and the activities of the company. Based on the specification, calculations are performed, the result of which is assembled into a project. He is certified by the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection.
- Selection of air conditioning systems. The specialist selects the right equipment for the finished project. We take into account your wishes for the budget, technical features (manufacturability, energy efficiency, power). The selection and ordering of the necessary components is also carried out.
- Installation itself. A mistake during the installation of the equipment can lead to its rapid breakdown. We offer prompt installation using modern components and high-quality consumables, without errors, taking into account the characteristics of the room, height differences and other factors.
- Delivery of equipment. When ordering equipment from us, you can be sure that you will receive it as soon as possible. Our specialists will take care of all procurement, logistics and assembly issues on site.
- Service maintenance. Any equipment needs to be repaired on time, then it will serve for a long time. We offer air conditioning service with a proven and experienced workforce. This will allow you to extend the life of your equipment and avoid sudden accidents.
- Repair and replacement of air conditioning systems. If your equipment breaks down, we can perform its overhaul or current repairs, as soon as possible, replacing the failed parts or components. Routine repairs and preventive maintenance are carried out without dismantling the structures.
Industrial climate systems
The peculiarity of industrial equipment is that it serves large areas (business centers, enterprises and factories, shops, sports complexes) and operates continuously all year round. Typically, this type of ventilation not only cools the air, but also purifies and humidifies it. There are several types of industrial climate systems, each with its own characteristics.
Multizone VRF and VRV units
Multi-zone units consist of several indoor units and one external powerful air conditioner. They are suitable for buildings with a large number of separate small spaces (eg office center, hotel). The complexity of the system requires special professionalism of the workers performing the installation. It is necessary to lay freon lines, inter-unit networks, drainage system, install all air conditioning elements correctly, and only then carry out commissioning.
Central industrial air conditioners
The central industrial air conditioner is one device with a set of functional modules. It can work effectively both in several small and in one large room (warehouse complex, theater hall, museum). This unit cools the room by supplying cool air through the duct system, and they are installed first. Next, communications are created, air distribution devices are installed. The central unit itself can be installed both indoors and outdoors.
Chiller-fan coil systems
The main feature of chiller-fan coil systems is that a coolant (water, antifreeze) moves through the pipes between the chiller (refrigeration machine) and indoor fan coil units. This requires the installation of additional equipment: a cooling tower, a pumping station, etc. The advantages of chiller-fan coil units are that they have no restrictions on the number of indoor units or the length of the piping. Installation, despite the external complexity of the system, is easy and fast. Ventilation and heating can be added if necessary.
Professional installation and maintenance of AC & AC Systems
If you need high-quality cooling of air in a room of any size, please contact our company. We will offer a reasonable and reliable solution, taking into account the specifics of your business. Contact us by phone +971-56-8770106 or e-mail: acdubaimaintenance28@gmail.com
Wide Range Of Services
- AC Maintenance
- AC Repair
- AC Water Leakage
- Plumber
- Home Appliances